A Life List
the list is in no particular order..... *are the ones I've done
1)make it to 18 without being kissed
2) take pictures on a REAL safari
2) get a picture I take in an issue of the National Geographic
3) swim with sting rays
4) get a tatoo
5) sky dive
6) go to a thrid world country
7) profoundly impact the life of one person
8) aquire a taste for wine
9) get married
10) have kids
11) sleep in a snow fort*
12) walk in snow shoes*
13) see an angel
14) heal someone through prayer
15) swim in every ocean
16) beat up someone bigger than me
17) make a boy (not one of my brothers) cry
18) travel the world
19) Lead someone to Christ*
20) Look like a REAL princess
21) bungee jump
22) go to bible college
23) be a speaker at a camp
24) write a book
25) be a freelance photojournlalist
26) hold a boy's hand
27) look good in orange
28) meet a rockstar
29) win one of those food eating contests
30) see the alphabet in animals (like A-armadillow B-bear C- cat... you get the picture)
31) go to space
32) witness an olymic event
33) make a mural
34) be in the guiness book of world records
35)meet the queen
36) go to my 10 year highschool reunion... and make it though the whole affair without laughing at anyone
37)be in a movie
38) travel with a band
39) be a missionary
40) backpack europe
41)Learn to play the guitar
42) sing one song completely on key and in tune
43) learn to speak another language fluently
ok... so thats it right now... it will get bigger.... and hopefully I'll get to do it all! haha!