Monday, December 05, 2005


So, another day passed, hey?And what do I have to show for it? Feels like nothing, but sometimes when it feels like nothing, its been everything. This whole experience has thrown be back to August. I know its nothing like it... but still.... its Death.
What do I have to say today? I don't even know.
I feel like I'm in that moment in 'Chasing Liberty" when Liberty and Ben are standing on the bridge, harnassed together, and She is breathing so heavy, and he askes her 'Why do it, if it scares you so much?" and her reply is 'the things that scare you the most are the most worth while- just a theory' then later in the movie she states that she is tired of living her life in theory.
I dunno. Life is a theory, isnt it? we all have these theorys, these ideas of how life should be.
I have this theory- Only you can do what you do, say what you say, and live what you live. your experiences are your own, and we spend alot of time wanting everyone else to understand how our experiences have made us who we are. Its all those things, the good and the bad that make us who we that create this thing we label as a personality. The things we learn to live with or live through are the things that add a trait to that list of traits we have. and those create talents, and talents, in turn create experiences.
Life is a cycle, and certain emotions tend to repeat themselves. Like lonelyness... and fear, and sadness, and after all of that passes it seems it is replaced by joy, and happiness. Its like the rainbow after the storm.
I've had alot of storms this year, and it feels like I've spent alot of time searching for a rainbow, when its right behind me if I'd just turn around. I think I'm ready to turn around, and see that rainbow, instead of walking into another storm.
There are so many things that I worry about, so many things that I think that if I ingore them they'll just go away. but in alot of cases, I was wrong.... they aren't even there to ignore. They are just there, and they don't need to be delt with or anything... somethings are just there, and thats the way it is, for good or bad.
situations will come and go and thats what makes us who we are, and alot of those things are inevitable. I think the best thing is to make sure that you know who the captain of your boat is before you set out onto the stormy sea.

I'm not so sure about NeverLand anymore...
I don't really want to have to watch you fight Captain Hook,


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree.


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