Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Well, first and foremost, to all of you types that have nothing better to do on Christmas than to read my blog, the best of wishes this holiday season! Merry Christmas!
Now, to my blog....
I've been thinking this season, I've been so worried about what is under the tree, what I'm gonna get, and what I'm gonna get FOR people, and there are SO many people that christmas isn't the same anymore... even for the first time this year. Like the Harms Family, like wow, who knew that they'd be spending this Christmas without Dwayne? My mom and I delivered about 5 care packages yesterday (christmas eve) to a bunch of my mom's friends that for them, this christmas is gonna be different from ANY other christmas before, because of their husbands, or deaths in the family, or whatever, and it just got me to thinking EXACTLY how lucky I am. There is NO doubt in my mind that my parents are still in love, that inless someone dies, every year my christmas will be the same: we are all home, we wake up in the morning, open our stockings, eat our christmas orange, and some breakfast, wait for EVERYONE to be awake, 10:00 is the cut off... you get woken up then, then we open presants, Jeremy and mom match piece of tape for piece of tape, to see who can take the longest with a gift, then I make waffles, then we check out the coolest gifts, mom starts supper, then cleans up the living room, then we do our own things till supper. Thats how christmas goes in my family.and its always been the same, and I really think I take it for granted. sure.. its nothing elaborate, we don't have family reunions or anything, we're lucky if we're joined by a single grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin. but I like it like this, and this year, some people don't get that christmas that they've always had.
Just makes you realize just how precious family is. and I think that society got at least one thing right when they changed the perspective of Christmas from Celebrating the birth of Christ to Celebrating Family, and right now, I'm ok with that. Christ is Part of the family, so in celebrating Family, you continue to celebrate christ.

merry christmas to all, and to all, goodnight!


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