Friday, December 09, 2005


Lets see.. I wonder if Ican take anything thats been floating inside my head and make it understandable.....
yeah. I don't know. This week has been indescribable. Good? No. Bad? No. Numb? Yes. I don't even know where to begin. or what to say. Its also wierd, cuz I totally don't know who all reads this... so anything I say could be taken the wrong way.

I like those moments when nothing needs to be said. Words are unnessisary, and the silence is so perfect. Or those moments when I can just sit there and listen simply to the sound of someone's voice, in the end it doesn't really matter what they are talking about, but I love listening to the voice of a guy talking about God. Its been a while since I've been able to sit and listen. Listen to someone tell only me about the awesomeness of God. Its like those moments when you are walking in the dark, and its cold, but its perfect. I love all of those perfect moments. Those moments when you forget everything around you and everything in your world seems alright, just for a while.
My heart has been screaming, begging for a moment like that for who knows how long... and I'm still waiting.
Its like those friendship, when its all about give and take, when you give and give and give, because you know that eventually you are going to have to take. This week has been my turn to give, and somewhere in there It became so intense that I couldn't stop. When does the moment come when you are willing to make one slight moment good for someone because you know it could be the best for the rest of the week? I think it has something to do with love. Don't get me wrong when I'm talking about love here, because she is my best friend, but There is such a difference between telling somone that you love them and actually doing it.

I don't know. If you have a moment for me, please share it!

I save my thimbals for you,


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