15 days left...
Its happening. I'm starting to get overwhelmed. and sick.
I have like 5 emails to return, but I dont' know what to say to anybody. I cleaned my room yesterday, but today you cant' even tell. I have to figure out what I have so that I can figure out what I need to buy. And people are starting to say their goodbyes.... and I don't want them too. Why does leaving have to be so hard? as hard as it is to be the one left behind, I thinkit might be even a little bit harder to be the one leaving, especially when you are doing it alone.
Perhaps this is what they call cold feet? I duno.... I'm still going though... its just hard.
Its been raining the past two days, and I've spent them both trying to convince myself that I love the rain... but I'm still not sure of that.
I did figure something out though! I know what I like! I like stories. I like to hear stories. to have stories told to me. I like to tell stories, and create stories. I like to live stories. I like to watch stories. I just like stories. What can I do with that? who knows... but at least I know what I like.
Anyways... mom put on the furnace and now I'm boiling to death and am becoming closterphobic in my own house... so I'm going to do something about one of those things.... maybe both.
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