Friday, December 23, 2005


I think I just met an online pedifile... you know the ones that talk to you online, and then you get to know a bit, and then you meet them, and then they rape you? yeah. one like that. NOT EVEN JOKING. he added me on hi5 (another reason why I don't like hi5), sent me a message, I added him on msn (thinking I'd look at his profile, but he didn't have one), I sent him a message, asking him who he was and JUST how creepy he was. I proceeded to talk to him, kinda hesitational, and like... 'you are creepy, who are you' and he's like 'you're a B****, stuck up, and stuck in your ways, try and be like me, all creepy and such', so I'm like 'whoa man, you are WAY creepy, and don't swear at me' and he's like 'ok, lets start from scratch, I'm heath' and I'm like 'ok, give him a chance, I'm Laurel' and hes all like 'well, we should like meet and get to know each other' and so I go 'oh.. wait.. hold on... I think we just met, why dont we get to know each other now?' and he gets all creepy FOR REAL now and is like 'no, like in person, face to face, for real meet each other' and I'm like 'HOLD ON, THAT IS WAAAAAAAAAY TOO CREEPY... and tell him this' and he tells me I'm a B**** again, tells me to F*** off, and says I'm wasting his time, and 'deletes' me from his contacts. holy. pedifile/raper or what? man o man. why do I attract all the creepers?
the moral of the story is... there really are rapests online, don't talk to them, because they are ALL pedifiles, and stay safe.

I'm locking my window... no creeps can get in that way.


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