Saturday, December 17, 2005


so.... I'm sitting here, with my hair done in a curly updo. and yes... the christmas formal is in an hour, and YES I still have blond in my hair. but its ok, cuz you can't tell that its just my roots, and it doesn't look THAT bad... for now. and the only thing that is keeping me from crying is the promise from ashley- that she will fix it tommorow... because I am NEVER dying my own hair AGIAN. EVER. but tonight will be alright... except for the fact that EVERYONE will find out, cuz there is this one chunk that is not hideable. but I'm over it. its kinda punk.... right? hahaha, the terrible thing is that I was gonna attempt a emo patch. SO glad I didn't go for that. haha. I am officially THE biggest LOOSER........ EVER. so please.... don't rub it in.



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