This semester I have taken a class in World Religions. while this has been for the most part been the most useless class of my life, due to a really crappy teacher, I will walk out of the class having learned one thing.
I look at every other religion, and the way they practice and worship, and I call that wierd, but they will, in turn, look at me, my worship, and my religion, and call that wierd. I will look at them, and call them wrong, and they may look at me and call me wrong. But when you really look at religion, they were all created in very seperate parts of the world, at different times, or in some cases, at the same time. what does this mean? does this mean that I am right and they are wrong? just because those that practice, say hinduism (which is claimed to be the oldest religion) are going to hell, because they weren't living in western europe when Christianity flourished? because they were in the 'wrong place at the wrong time'? who am I to say that what they believe is wong?
for that matter, who am I to say that I am right? and how can I condemn someone to hell? or set out to convert a practicing muslim to christianity? I can't. I can't tell someone that they are wrong. I can't even say that I am right.
and thats my problem with the christian Church. they are so convinced that we are right. that we have got it all together, when in fact we are the least accepting religion in the entire world. Do you know that Hindus blieve that everyone has a life after death in reincarnation, and even if you are not a hindu at ALL you CAN recieve a higher status than Human in your reincarnation? I think that is the best example ever. When us, as christians look at everyone else, the natives, the wiccans, the muslims, budhists, hindus, sikhs, b'hai, athiests, everyone, we look at them and tell them that they are going to hell. to be eternally damned into eternal pain and suffering. is that christian at all? are we even loving those people?
no. we are judging them, condemning them, and being no example to them at all. all we are doing them is showing off our hyppocrite abilities. I mean, thats what we are isn't it? hypocrits? we preach love and go out into the world and tell everyone else that they are wrong.
we tell them that their 'God moments' (just like the ones you and I have every sunday) aren't actually real. that those shivers, those miracles, aren't real. wow. thats pretty damn gutsy.
especially when they turn around and love us. ok. so thats not completely true. but its not like we have set a real good example of how to love others. have we? clearly not. instead, we thrust ourselves into this never ending cycle of hatred and unacceptance.
I don't know. all I know is that we are pretty darn unaccepting, and maybe thats why our population is declining in Canada. Maybe what we need to start doing is showing and not talking. stop preaching. stop the missions trips to convert people. start serving. start loving. stop being so strict with rules. start letting the loosers into the church. start REALLY helping those on the streets instead of telling them that Jesus loves them and hope that saves their lives the next time they go and get high. Why don't we start going to the high school parties, not to convert our friends when they are drunk, but to simply drive them home, and make sure that they are safe. why do we not swear, hoping that someone asks us about it so that we can preach at them? why do we have to wear shirts that have jesus sloagans on them hoping that someone will read them and be convicted? why don't we just make sure we dress conservatevly, and let that be enough? Why are we scared of Dancing at church? why do we just stand there reading the words off of an overhead? why can't we dance? make up our own words? tell God what we really feel? why do we stick ourselves into a little christian box and do the things we are 'supposed' to do?
I dunno. I'm tired of living the life thats expected of me from the church. I want to dance. I want to embrace people of another religion. I want to serve. I want to love. I want to stop judging. and I want to be the best I can be. and sometimes thats restricted by what I'm supposed to do so that I can get into heaven.
but my name's already in the book, and that should be enough.