Thursday, June 15, 2006

like fifteen bajillion unrelated thoughts

so I have thirteen bajillion different and unrelated thoughts running through my mind right now. and I just may share them with you!

Today, was the best day of my life. ok, probably not, but its up there. I officially completed my last day of high school!! and I went to the school play(s) tonight- rediculously funny. unreal. best time EVER.

next thought.

The new dixie chick's song- not ready to make nice- really relates to how I feel about russel still. I dunno. I've been thinking about him alot lately, and quite frankly, I'm not ready to make nice, not yet anyways. I just don't want to have ANOTHER awkward convorstation with him. I had way too many already. 'I don't have time to go round and round and round.'

next thought.

I noticed Ian pulled back today, he still walked me home from school, he actually picked me up from class today. well.. and he walked me to class. so in that sense he did more than usual. But he hasn't startet talking to me the minute I log onto msn, and we didn't stand and talk as much as we did all week. maybe he really is studying for his physics exam. well... whatever the case, I think its for the better, cuz as I said in the last post, I forgot myself, and wasn't guarding my heart, which I know I shouldn't be so strict in every situation, but knowing that he moves in two weeks, and Jer and Mark both want to beat him up... I know that its best if I just let things be. which is what I'm doing.

next thought.

Milissa likes Jared. haha. I remember when I liked Jared. its kinda funny...

next thought.

I am like an adult now. now that I'm done high school. I'm like an adult. creeeeeeeepy.

next thought.

I'm stoked for Grad. holy. floofy dress. crazy dancing. a few tears.... maybe. some good times. chocolate cake. staying up late doing.... nothing cuz I'm not going to aftergrad. good times will be had by all.

next thought.

I don't think I actually like Bright eyes. he's far to cynical. but then i'm pretty cynical myself. I don't think you should feed cynicism... could lead to bad things, I think thats how you make a serial killer. or soemthing like that. WATCH OUT!

next thought.

world religions final exam tommorow... WHAT A JOKE! can you say cheeting? I don't even feel bad about it, cuz he encourages it! its absolutely rediculous! AND its open book too.... so stupid. which reminds me, I really should organize my notes, they are a MESS. and by notes, I mean the bajillion handouts that he gave us that I haven't read yet.

next thought.

it is unreal beautiful out, worthy of a walk. perhaps holding hands... but then again I don't have a hand to hold. except for ians... which by the way are REDICULOUSLY small... and gross. not good hands. thats important. plus, I don't even want to hold his hand. anyways... I can't believe I went there. the point is, I think I'm going to go outside to organise my notes on the lawn. have a good night.

sweet dreams,


At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahhaha...i like this blog laurel!

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you think it is best not to post this kind of stuff? you'd probably hurt some poor guys feelings


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