Sunday, June 18, 2006


Ugh. I am SO tired. I got called to work ALL DAY yesterday. and I work all day today too. what does that mean? Laurel is not going to get in ANY studying for her math final tommorow. what does THAT mean? she is doomed. no way this is going to go well. I failed my last math test. I absolutely cannot fail this class tho. and I think I'm only going into this test with like a 60% average. frick. and last night I was so useless. I got home, ordered chineese food. showerd. ate. cleaned up. and then... I don't even know what I did. fed the fish? oh, right, I watched a snail move up the wall of the aquarium. I'm sure I was cross eyed for the better part of an hour. so now its 9:00, but instead of doing nothing while I eat breakfast, I think I'll study math. or something like that. I dunno. I hate math. I am dreading this test THE MOST. I just wanna climb back into bed and wake up tommorow and not have to worry about anything. yeah right.
cuz when I finish finals, mom's on my case to start filling out my visa application, phone for a student line of credit, and figure a million other things out. PLUS, I forgot to tell you, I think I got full time at work, so thats gonna take up alot of my time. its good tho, cuz I'll make some good money, and be deffenetly able to buy a laptop. My cousin picked one out for me (he's like a genious, and was a computer salesman for a while) that will only cost like $770, and its a good one. so THAT is exciting.
Grad is in just over a week. can you say stoked to wear my dress? or more like stoked to see jeremy in 6 days?! I'm excited for my grad party too. it will be good to see everyone all at once. and be able to thank all the people that impacted my life so far.
anyways, I'm just wasting time now.
have a good day!


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