Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You were like a hurricane to me

haha, good story.
There is this guy in my math class. and he ah... stares at me all class. and he has these eyes, so creepy, they are like, sunken but they bulge all at the same time. unreal. anyways, so I've noticed him all sem, and even been uncomfortable. and of course I am polite and chat with him every now and then, just to be nice, cuz you can't be mean, right? so today, somehow he ended up with our group of friends (wich is wierd cuz he's a frenchie), and I was all chatty and everything, which I guess he hasn't seen cuz I'm usually really grumpy in math class, and I dunno how he took that, cuz at the end of math class he came over and was like, haha, it was WAY dorky 'ah... do you have msn?' and as I said yes, I was already writing it down, and he was like 'could I have your adress.... well.. I guess I really didn't need to ask for that, did I?' haha! he was so awkwardly nervous! I almost laughed at him!
like dang, he had four years to get out of his frenchie group, find me and ask me out, but he had to wait untill the last week of school to ask me for my msn? haha, what a weener. I'm mean. oh well. he'll get over it. just adds a bit of excitement to my life.
haha, I kinda hope he asks me to dance at grad, cuz then I'll never see him again for the rest of my life. poor guy. I hope his hopes aren't too high. I don't want to completely crush him.
does it make me sadistic to be enjoying this as much as I am? I hope not. its just amusing to watch him watch me, and be really creepy and nervous. I'll be so glad when all of this highschool drama crap is over and... yeah... I got nothing.
anyways, thats todays story. I hope you enjoyed another day of my adventures, and another tale of the boys in my life.

P.S. if you don't listen to The Spill Canvas, you need to, pretty much the love of my life. SO GOOD. I promise there is no way you can not like them.


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