Sunday, June 25, 2006

today already sucks. I've only been up for like half an hour. I think I may have pink eye. hahha. again. GOOD. I like having pink eye. especially before Grad. FRICK. and I'm having woman problems. I like that too. let me tell you. aaaaaaaaaaand, I'm supposed to work today. GREAT! I love working over church.. EVERY FREEKING SUNDAY!
on the good side, JEREMY IS HERE!! and.... tommorow is my grad party! and grad is on tuesday! and...... I got a didgital camera yesterday! and... I got other presents! and I like getting presents! and I like seeing Jeremy! and... today will be good. even tho some stuff sucks.
and with THAT Bipolar post, I'm gonna go and eat bacon and eggs with my mom. ciao!


At 7:13 AM, Blogger Dan King said...

hey laurel ...

I've talked with a bunch of people over the last month who are feeling trapped by the "I must work over church on Sunday" thing.

When I ask questions about it, most admit that they are not even asking for the day off because they are either afraid they will loose favour with the management, or feel they are just luck to be working there and should not impose their personal requests for a day off.

I rememeber thinking the same thing when I worked at Fottlocker during highschool ... did not want to ask for certain time off out of fear really.

Here's the thing though ... the management won't be shocked ... they won't fire you ... they respect people with boldness and self-confidence who ask for days/time off for personal reasons (like church) ... and they don't punish you for asking by cutting your hours. (*grin*)

You need to ask for that off if you want it Laurel. Write it out in a letter form even, and when you present it, expect to get it off. You might be suprised.

Oh, and congrat's on your impending graduation!!!!!!

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

haha, thanks dan!
see... the thing is here, I said when I hired on that I WOULD NOT work sundays. and they called me in one sunday cuz the were swamped, how could I say no? THEN I got scheduled the next sunday, as extra staff. alright. and now it seems to be a trend. And the thing is, I work with a TON of other christians who don't get sunday off, in fact, there is only two non christians that work at schnitzlez. so how can I complain when they are not? ya know? except I've got the assistant manager pulling for me to have sundays off now, which would be spectacular.
thanks dan!


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