Saturday, June 10, 2006

The last two days...

these last two days have been so hectic and so surreal that I don't even know where to begin. so maybe I won't.
Yesterday was kinda like the begining of the begining ofthe rest of my life. Ashley's grad was kinda like the kickoff, the major reminder that in less than 20 days I will be my own person, my own adult, and responsible for my life. wow.
These last two days have been a major reminder to me of how I am not alone. and how great friends are. how great it is to belt 'Dark blue' (by jack's mannequin) real loud at 4:00 in the morning. how fun it can be to go to a garage sale. how dumb bowling REALLY is. how fun things can be. how the word 'balls' can be oh so funny! its just been really great to just sit back, watch and laugh. to really be myself these last two days and not worry about what anyone thinks. I like knowing that I really don't care what people think of me. I like being me. and I like my friends. they are so good to me.

work today was something else tho. the whole time, besides thinking 'I don't want to be here' I was asking God, 'what are you trying to teach me today?' and it wouldn't come. as I washed a literal moutain of dishes, as I spent my exact second day in the kitchen at supper rush hour with only one person to tell me what to do, and pretty much stranded. as I spent a literal hour wrapping cutlery. as I did all of this, I was asking God 'ok what is it that I need to learn' and it just didn't come. perhaps contentment?

but when its all said and done, as I sit here tonight ready to fall into bed, I am content. I love where I am at right now.
with that, sweet dreams,


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Dan King said...

laurel ... someone who is content in being the person God created her to be: herself.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Dan King said...

laurel ... someone who is content in being the person God created her to be: herself.



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