Monday, June 12, 2006

I am Tired

I hate to complain, but I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired. you don't even know. and the worst part is knowing that I need to be doing homework right now. and that I need to tonight, and tommorow spare, and tommorow after school. knowing that I will fail my math test this afternoon, and hoping I'll get my essay done by wednesday. can you say STRESSED?
add to that, that today is my last Monday of high school EVER, and yeah, I guess that makes me sad. as much as I hate school, its safe, and a week from today, everything will be new (haha and by new I mean the math final that I will be writing... HA)
I dunno. I'm overwhelmed with stuff to do and things to feel. AND I am rediculously tired, and hungry, but I don't know what to eat.

has anyone ever told you that they like the way you smell? like your personal smell? I get it all the time (I guess it must be good), and I wonder what I smell like. do you ever wonder that? I do, all the time.
yesterday at work I had to bread schnitzel, and by the end my left hand was coated with dry pig blood.
the last two school days (friday and thursday) I got walked to class by a boy. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have no idea what that means, but I sure as heck hope it doesn't mean that he likes me. oh, right, we already descovered that he does. too bad.

anyways, I'm gonna find something to eat. have a good day. don't get overwhelmed!


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