The Secret is...
I don't know left from right,
Because I always forget and have to check my hands.
I don't like animals,
Because I am afraid they will bite me.
You think I have it all together,
But I don't.
I only smile,
because on the inside I am crying.
I think my writing is ugly,
because thats what everyone always told me.
I hate school,
because I don't understand the system.
I try to look at the clock every day at 11:11,
because I want someone to be thinking of me.
I hate math,
because in my mind 1+1 never = 2.
I look skinny,
but I really think that I am fat.
I keep my hands to myself,
because I don't want anyone to hold them.
I like music,
but I can't play any instruments.
I think I am punk rock,
but I don't want you to think that.
The seceret is....
All of this is a cover up,
because what I really want to say is
that I like you,
and that I've been to scared to tell you.
The day you ask me to date you,
please know that the answer will allways be
May your love never be a seceret,