Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Ok, so I leave tommorow for BC. am I stoked? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?! of course I am! pretty much I get to see my big brother! ...and meet his friends. and have fun. BUT I get to see him, and thats the point. hah. when I told one of my friends that I was spending my Christmas money on a plane ticket to visit Jer, he was like 'boy, he's pretty lucky, I would never do that for my sister.' hah. dang. Iguess you're right... I love my brothers and I have pretty special friendships with both of them
Lately God has been pointing out to me how lucky I really am, growing up in the family that I did. Both of my parents love me unconditionally, and almost more importantly, they are still in love with each other. There is no pressure in this house to have success as the world sees it, but rather to live a life that is filled with joy, and whatever that is, its ok. And right now, I don't know what that is going to be, and thats ok too. If I need anything, I know that when I come home, I can get that. If I need to cry, there's a shoulder, if I need to rant, there's an ear, and if I need a reality check, boy, there's sure gonna be a tounge to tell me! But at the end of the day, I have a great family that supports and loves me, and thats alot in the world today.
Well... in the hopes of being 100% tommorow, I'm going to head to bed.
sweet dreams
may you always feel loved


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