Friday, March 10, 2006

Today's Question....

I just got back from english class, where I had a convorsation with a few of the girls. The questions brought up were as follows:

-Do we (people) have a soul?
-What is a soul?
-what charactarises a soul?
-what is the purpose of a soul?
- (least importantly) what does a soul look like?

so, my question today is... If I do believe that humanity has a soul (which I do) how do I go about answering these questions in order to logically have an explanation for a soul, and things such as preminition, life after death, near death experiences, out of body experiences, etc.? And how do I do this all in a christian mannor? Or is everything that we attribute to a soul just biological, and mental occurances? how do you explain extreme Fear and Love?



At 2:43 PM, Blogger zachary said...

that is beyond my thinknig...
and thanks for the comment (blush)... I don't even know what to say...


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