In Lou of Valentines Day, I Thought I'd post about boys. this is something I have started, and been working on, so now (dum dum dum) YOU the luckey viewer will get to read it! Yay!
Boys. What makes a boy a boy? I mean besides the obvious? (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER) I'm not real sure, but I thought that since one day I plan to date, fall in love, and marry one of them, perhaps I should compile a list of things I look for and/or I find attractive in a guy... so... here goes nothing...
1) MUST be a Christian
2) Has to have a good sense of humor
3) Has to be able to hold a good convorsation
4) Be willing and able to stand up for their opinions... not like a doormat loozer geek
5)Doesn't mind that I'm short... but doesn't make fun of me ONLY because of that.... pretty much they have to be able to make fun of me in a good way... haha... what a quality, eh?
6) Has to be musical... and willing to sing with me even if he can't sing... cuz I sure can't!
7) Good looks are ALWAYS good! but not a must.
8) they HAVE to get along with my family. thats super important.
9) they have to get along with my friends too... cuz otherwise it just wouldn't work
10) they have to respect me, my space, and my ideas.
11) Ok, so they have to have nice hands, k? not long nails that have dirt under them, thats gross. but not like pasty hands that have only touched the pages of a book/the keys on a keyboard/the buttons on a mouse.... like nice hands that tell where they've been.
12) Their sense of style is a big thing... cuz there are the dorks that dress 'so 2 years ago' and then there's the preps that try to dress the style of tommorow.... and the hardcores that try so hard to be unique, and the ghetto boys, and then there are the guys that really don't care what style they are, and thats hot.
13) And the biggie.... he has to be a gentleman. Mannors. polite. will open the door for me. I'm all for it! I'm not some femmine right activist fanatic that feels as if my status as a person is being compromised if a boy opens the door for me, or carries by books, or helps me out... in fact, I quite appreciate it. and saying Please and Thank You never hurt anyone, did it? I thought not.... so Mr. Right, you'd better have some mannors.
Yeah... so I'm not picky, am I? haha! Lets just say I'm not about to sell myself short! I think that too often, in the pursuit to find love, too many people (especially girls) sell themselves short, compromise too many of their standards in order to feel loved. and I have a huge problem with that. We have standards and attractions for a reason, and just becasue someone of the oppostie sex doesn't fall in line with all of the major ones doesn't mean you can't be friends with them. Inless they dont' feel the same way. I don't know. I think the world of dating is far too complecated and ruins far too many friendships. Too many people get hurt, dissapointed, and scarred. In fact, this is the case with most people. And why? becasue as humans one of our needs is the need to feel loved and needed.... so we try too hard to find that sensation, and look in all the wrong places, in the wrong people, and compromise too much of ourselves. Pretty hypocritical for me to say huh? cuz one day I'm gonna start looking for love. Where? who knows. in the right place? probably not. but maybe some of this ranting, and some of the things I've learned from watching others make the same mistake over and over again will aid me in my pursuit to feel loved.
May your Valentine be the right person,
and may you always feel loved,