Wednesday, February 22, 2006

humble pride?

I got to spend just over an hour with Ashley today. And we hardly touched the surface of what happened in Nicaragua. But she still taught me so much, in so little time. and with such short stories.
I live my life so selfishly. Everything is about me, and what I want. not what I need, because everything I need is handed to me on a silver platter. my entire life has been easy, and I'm starting to realize how good I have it, and how much I complain about what I dont have... which essentially, is nothing compared to SO many.
Life is about so much more than what I've been living for. Not that long ago I went to youth advance with Dan King to do some 24-7 stuff, and on the way back he asked me what I learned that weekend. I told him not much because of my gifting in service (the theme for the weekend was servants). But I was so wrong. too often I think that I can't learn anymore than I already know, and that is SO wrong for me to think. I do the easy service. the stuff that is on the surface, the stuff thats easy. And thats what the weekend there was about, going deeper than the surface service. Ashley went deeper this weekend, she allowed herself to be served, she allowed herself to be taught.... and I think that being humble before serving is something I've forgotten how to do, I've become prideful in my serving, with a 'look at me' attitude. Ashley did NOT come back and say LOOK AT WHAT I DID! rather, her pictures didn't even show the house she helped to build.... it showed the people she spent her time with, the relationships she built, the people that served her. the land that shook her to the core. The beauty of Gods creation. She told me of the things that blessed her, rather than the things and people that she had blessed.
too often I forget to be blessed by God.... I forget that he has a whole box of gifts waiting to be opened each morning, and in that I have become very prideful. I am prideful in my humility.
I think if we were all to learn to be genuinely humble in every aspect of our lives, the world would be a very different place to live. I need to start doing my part.

May blessings always bless you,


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