Monday, February 20, 2006

Overwhelmed... and stressed.

So, the ever stressful, ever challanging life has been thrown back at me. Last night, it was an issue of what I want to do with the next year of my life, and ultimately my entire life.
This morning, its an issue of blatantly failing (43%) my chem test. What does that mean? I bomb the ENTIRE class, or I drop it. so drop it hey? oh! well... then I can't get into university. do I want to? who knows?! its good to keep your options open though. so then... my other option is to take bio. BUT its already a month into the sem, and too late to pick anything up, especially taking into account that my history of biology is no where near the same as that of my peers. PLUS I will never EVER do a dissection. so... I may be taking biology by correspondance... or online. who ever thought I'd volontairily take an online class? hah. not me.
so.. my life is back to its stressful rutine, where I am stressed to the point of constant headache, and nothing gets done becasue I am so overwhelmed. P.S. I might cry about this.
please, pray for me. this week is going to be really hard. I can tell. And I cant' really talk to Ashley about it when she gets back becasue she's gonna want to talk about her trip, and... welll.. my problems will seem petty compared to all she has to tell me. so.... I'll also return to bottling everything up and releasing it online for all you creeps to read about.

here's to skrewing up my life for good.


At 11:57 AM, Blogger steph said...

I want you to know that im ALWAYS here for you. I dont mean that in the loose way of saying it when people dont mean it.
I really want you to know that im fully here for you even if im here in dalmeny. im just a phone call or a drive away.
Ill be praying for you.


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