Monday, February 13, 2006

No Tattoo, I guess.

Ok, so the last little while I've been seriously thinking of getting a tattoo while I'm in Abby visiting Jer. I found this site of this highly recomended place in vancouver ( And The only thing, I decided, that would stop me from branding myself with 'For me to live is christ and to die is gain' in arabic on my lower back, is the cost. well, the cheapest would be $80, and I think for mine it'd be more like $100. and I don't have that kinda money, right now.... so it looks like the excitement of my 18 year old rebellion will be delaid a while. sorry to all of you who were stoked for me to be your first friend with a tattoo. I'm dissapointed myself. haha, if its ment to be $100 will materialise in my pocket before March 16. I didn't expect it to be any less, and I'm not willing to sacrifice sanitary-ism for a cheeper tattoo, this is my health we're talking about here. Besides, my grandma would DIE if she found out I spent my birthday money from her on a tattoo. haha, or not, she might laugh. but really... what would my mom say? P.S. don't tell her that I was seriously considering this. Oh, and mom, if you read my blog.... pretend like you don't.... please?! That way I can continue to live in my dream world of annominity and privacy. haha. yeah right!
anyways, its way past bed time!

Sweet dreams!
May money NEVER restrict your dreams,


At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... you don't want to go there... you go to renaissance in abby... it's way better... just so you know...

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Laurel said...

fair enough. but it'll still cost $100 that I don't have. oh well.

At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fair dinkum


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