Thursday, February 23, 2006

Joy in the broken, good in the bad

So many times, I have sat and thought 'This is brokenness. This is the sate at which I become helpless. This is the point of no return." but somehow, my state of brokenness just deepens and deepens, but somehow, God also places Joy in my life. Can there be joy in brokenness? or is Joy perhaps the essance of Brokenness? I do not know, because it occured to me today that perhaps I have yet to experience true brokenness. Last night, I lay in bed and asked God "Why are you letting this happen? what Good can come from this?" because the entire situation in my life right now just deepens, expands, widens. But I do not know what can come as a result of this. good or bad. what could happen if nothing turns out the way its supposed to? I suppose that is the essance of faith, believing that there will be good in the face of bad. Faith can be so hard sometimes. Life can be hard. Life is hard. but there must be good in the bad, joy in the broken. but how long will I have to wait? and how will it come?

God bless,


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