Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Story

Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a spring there was a girl. This was no ordinary girl, as she was exstatic that summer was returning! She was convinced that this year summer would be the best summer EVER! One bright sunny spring day she even had a 'play day' in lou of the upcomming season! and what fun those friends of hers had, this made her all the more excited for summer to come!
But summer came. And she was oh so dissapointed. She worked EVERY day, and came home to her books and televison. she only went out a total of 3 times that summer. had her friends diserted her? well.. yes. They were at camp, or on holidays with their familys. All attaining wonderful tans, and having loads of glorious fun, all the while, she was remaining her pasty shade of white, and being bored to tears, quite literally. This was the worst summer of her life.
One day, this girl woke up and realized that summer was quickly comming to an end. this saddend her greatly, as she realized that she had had no fun, but also excited her, as her friends were returning! A few days passed. Was the girl having fun?
oh no, she wasn't. in fact, her summer had only gotten worse. Because the only thing worse than being the only one home all summer, was having everyone home, and nobody phoning her, or wanting to play with her.
but wait! the girl had an idea! she was to throw a wonderful party! In fact, this had been the only thing she had been excited about ALL summer... an 80's Dance party!
Alas! again the girl was dissapointed! As she devotedly put together the decorations, lined up the playlist, and organised the menu, the girl realized that this too would be a flop, a total disappointment, and that this would be the perfect ending to the worst summer ever... a terrible party.
You see... this girl can see through excuses, and lies, she does not believe all that she hears, and is growing tired of being one that gives so much of herself in order to aid all of her friends.
Perhaps she should call off the party?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Fussy Princess

So.. since last time alot has happened... of course.
Jeremy's home till saturday, and that rocks more than I can even say.
I got egged. that kinda sucked.
I took a self defence class.
Ashley's ex-employer died in a motorcycle accident.
One of my freinds got kicked out of her house... but I'm not sure why yet.
My cousin got married.

what can I say... my life is never dull. But what I really feel like ranting about is this guy at work. he's a real dink. but not how you expect him to be. he's a real princess. more than I will EVER be. first let me set the stage... he is 39 years old, but acts as if he is my age, but not in that cool way, I mean like he is only JUST trying to find himself a social life. he has never been married. I would be surprised if he even dated a girl for more than a month. I apologise if I sound really mean, but with all honesty, he is the only person I have EVER met that I have actually looked at him in the eyes and thought 'I hate you'. Isnt' that terrible? I shouldn''t do it, but he honestly makes work hell. oh, but I forgot to tell you that he is an extreme introvert, so everything he does is with a very feminine gentleness, and he never raises his voice above 'inside' volume. This week... it has been the dished. yes, I do the dishes every evening, but it is NOT in my job discription, I don't HAVE to do them, I just do. but apperently that is not enough for him. first, I didn't do them ONE night, oh, but poor princess couldn't drink water out of a dirty cup, or go and wash one for himself, so he nagges me to go do it. fine. but then wait, muffin can't have fingerprints or water marks on his cups, muffin needs PERFECTLY clean water glass. no. thats where I draw the line. he can ****ing go and wash them himself. I am not his maid, and I certainly will not take bull like this from a grown man who has two working hands (which are perfectly manicured, may I add), and a tap just down the hall. I'm sorry if I am a bit worked up, but this is nonsense. it is rediculous, and he needs to grow up. the thing is, the rest of the office doesn't say anything to him. not about he ignoratly listens to his iPod ALL freeking day, and cuts EVERYONE off from any sort of convorsation with him, unless muffin needs you to program the printer for him so that he doesn't have to press ONE single button for him. oh, princess, will that ruin your manicure? pressing one button? oh, well then princess, let me fix that for you! oh, and is your water glass dirty? then I'll wash it right away for you. honestly!!! why are some people such asses? like, Iam seriously asking you this? or is this all a show to piss me off, and see how far I'll go? because this game is not fun, and in the end somebody's going to get embarassed, and I feel sorry for the dink, but he doesn't know just how big my mouth can get.
ugh. only 10 days left.
anyways, one day ask me about the time I got egged. its a good story. I'll tell you sometime.
sweet dreams,

Sunday, August 20, 2006

brothers on a hotel bed?

I hate hotel rooms. I hate that there is only one bathroom. I hate not having my own space. ugh. and I hate family functions. I hate faking a smile and pretending that I am enjoying myself. cuz you know I"m not. I hate that all these people are strangers to me and they shouldn't be. I hate that I am the girl cousin, but nobody dances with me. ugh. I just want to go home.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One year...

Sorry to complain, but today sucked. My hands were shaking all day. it was hard to get anything done. It was cold this morning, just like it was last year. maybe tommorow will be cold too, and it will be jsut as hard to get out of bed as it was last year. All I wanted all day was sombody, anybody really, to take me into their arms and whisper in my ear that its going to be ok. I think it must be too late for that now, but that doesn't stop me from hoping.
It was kinda a relief today too you know, that I could make it a year, and I guess I'm alright.
But that still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thoughts of far off destinations

So today I get this fabulous idea to get pictures from my digital camera from grad and my trip to BC... I'll order them online from Wal-mart. yeah... so I upload them and start to order them on the american site, only to realize that americans really don't care where saskatoon saskatchwan is and that I have to go through another agonizing half hour of slow uploading on the CANADIAN site. oh bother.
In other news, I have decided that over the next four weeks of my 'summer' aka while I am working I'm going to proceed to watch as many disney movies as I can. I am actually quite excited.
This weekend Ashley and I (mostly ashley) decided that she isn't NOT accepted to the school in
Argentina. With two weeks of camp left, and this uncertanty hanging over her head, I think I have decided that a bit of my september is going to be spent helping her get ready, because I have been able to do all I have to do with such leasure, and with my mom doing much of the work, I think I could manage to help her out, or at least help her gather the things she will need to live for 6 months in a south american country, which I realize is quite different from a european country. But I totally understand how organizing so much in so little time could be VERY overwhelming, as it was obscenely overwhelming in the last few months.
This trip is starting to become real. as I start to say goodbye. which I'm not. other people are saying goodbye to me, but I am not yet ready to say goodbye to them, if that makes any sense at all. Its just I am in no way shape or form prepaired to tell someone that I am not going to see them for 9 months, thats a long time, and its still not real to me.
On that note, I was talking to Jeremy today, and I am stoked out of my mind, cuz he plans to come and say goodbye in september. I don't know what I would do if I didn't see him before I left. I also mentioned to him that he should come a week before the fam in april and spend a week at the school he thought it was a pretty good idea. *smiles* I like the idea of that.
and did I tell you what I wanted to do over christmas? I want to go to rome. I pretty much have my heart set on it now. I don't know what the draw is, maybe its seeing the pictures I studied in history class come to life, and see where the stories took place. know where else I'd like togo? Greece. I don't know what the draw of these ancient cultures is, I have yet to figure it out, but I am facinated by them.
oh, and PS- I love coldplay. and tea. coldplay and tea are like...... peanut butter and jam.
well.. I gotta finish up this picture thing and get ready to go to church. have a fabulous week!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, I'm back from my whirlwind weekend in Kelowna. Boy, do I ever have a funny family. I often wonder what 'outsiders' think of our gatherings, cuz I can promise it is NOTHING like your family gatherings.
yesterday we drove from 6am to 2 am, and got home FINALLY, and got to sleep in my own bed.
back to the family, its really wierd, being the relatives from Saskatchewan, because everyone out there knows eachother, and well.. I don't have a clue who half these people are, and everytime I go out there, I get to meet them brand new again. See, cuz most people that have 'big' familys, its like their first cousins, and aunts and uncles, like in my big fat greek wedding, but no, my family, its like my grandma, her brothers and sisters, and their kids which are my mom's first cousins, and then their kids, which are... I don't even know... third cousins once removed? Idunno, we call the old ones the sisters and brother, then its the cousins, and then I am 'the next generation'. I'm not even kidding you.
haha, and amogst all of the questions that I was continually peppered with, there was this one, and I honestly am still kinda in shock. 'So, tell me Laurel, are you excited to turn 19 so you can go into the bars?' WHAT!? what kind of question is that comming from your mom's cousin (my second cousin?) ? but his reaction when I told him 'no, not really, it doesn't really make a difference to me' was unreal. he was SHOCKED. hhaha, it might have been because he was already on his 3rd beer by the time that one came up.
I'm glad I went. I mean there was times when I was bored out of my tree, or tired of answering the same question for the bajillionth time when everyone realized that no, I'm not 20 (believe it or not), or that yes, I am out of high school.But it was good. and I'm stoked that today I'm not working, not really looking forward to tommorow, but whatever, I only have to work 2 days this week, which will be super good.
And this weekend, God blessed me so much, in the ways of prepairing for England. I met a couple who acutally LIVE 20 minutes outside of Manchester, which is perfect, espcially since they 'seriously' offered a room to me anytime I needed it next year. AND I met my second cousin's.... uh... boyfriend? can boyfriends be like 55? yes. then my second cousin's boyfriend was from england, and I got to chat with him a bit about england. so it was really good. God is so good to me.
anyways, sorry to make this random again, but I should go and help mom and dad unpack the van, cuz we neglected that last night, and then Ineed to shower and eat lunch so I can go and help set up a prayer room. have a great day!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So today, I was out with my mom, and there it was... like BAM! the most unreal beautiful Rainbow of my LIFE! I'm not even kidding you. it was a full arch, and I dunno, all I can say is that it was perfect.
So then I went to the library, and I ask you this, what NORMAL kid firstly goes to the library on summer break? and THEN gets books such as brave new world by Aldus Huxley, Pride and Prejudice by... uh, I don't remember, and not one by TWO Shakespeare plays. yup.... I DO! haha, I dunno what it is, but this summer I'm really into the classical plays, and literature. Like, I duno if i told you, but I just finished reading the original version of the play of Peter pan, and WOW! it was so good! he is so eloquent, but some of the 'slang' terms he uses are really unusual, but fitting. I dunno. it was perfect.
so here, we have a perfect setting (rainbow) perfect reading material, and wait... whats that? the perfect music of Tom Delonge? what? yes, thats right, this week's adventure (oh so punny), delves into the musical explorations of Blink 182, Box car racer and Angels and Airwaves.

oh... and tommorow I head for Kelowna till tuesday, so don't expect to hear from me till Wednesday. have a great weekend, and stay out of trouble.