Well, I'm back from my whirlwind weekend in Kelowna. Boy, do I ever have a funny family. I often wonder what 'outsiders' think of our gatherings, cuz I can promise it is NOTHING like your family gatherings.
yesterday we drove from 6am to 2 am, and got home FINALLY, and got to sleep in my own bed.
back to the family, its really wierd, being the relatives from Saskatchewan, because everyone out there knows eachother, and well.. I don't have a clue who half these people are, and everytime I go out there, I get to meet them brand new again. See, cuz most people that have 'big' familys, its like their first cousins, and aunts and uncles, like in my big fat greek wedding, but no, my family, its like my grandma, her brothers and sisters, and their kids which are my mom's first cousins, and then their kids, which are... I don't even know... third cousins once removed? Idunno, we call the old ones the sisters and brother, then its the cousins, and then I am 'the next generation'. I'm not even kidding you.
haha, and amogst all of the questions that I was continually peppered with, there was this one, and I honestly am still kinda in shock. 'So, tell me Laurel, are you excited to turn 19 so you can go into the bars?' WHAT!? what kind of question is that comming from your mom's cousin (my second cousin?) ? but his reaction when I told him 'no, not really, it doesn't really make a difference to me' was unreal. he was SHOCKED. hhaha, it might have been because he was already on his 3rd beer by the time that one came up.
I'm glad I went. I mean there was times when I was bored out of my tree, or tired of answering the same question for the bajillionth time when everyone realized that no, I'm not 20 (believe it or not), or that yes, I am out of high school.But it was good. and I'm stoked that today I'm not working, not really looking forward to tommorow, but whatever, I only have to work 2 days this week, which will be super good.
And this weekend, God blessed me so much, in the ways of prepairing for England. I met a couple who acutally LIVE 20 minutes outside of Manchester, which is perfect, espcially since they 'seriously' offered a room to me anytime I needed it next year. AND I met my second cousin's.... uh... boyfriend? can boyfriends be like 55? yes. then my second cousin's boyfriend was from england, and I got to chat with him a bit about england. so it was really good. God is so good to me.
anyways, sorry to make this random again, but I should go and help mom and dad unpack the van, cuz we neglected that last night, and then Ineed to shower and eat lunch so I can go and help set up a prayer room. have a great day!
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