Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thoughts of far off destinations

So today I get this fabulous idea to get pictures from my digital camera from grad and my trip to BC... I'll order them online from Wal-mart. yeah... so I upload them and start to order them on the american site, only to realize that americans really don't care where saskatoon saskatchwan is and that I have to go through another agonizing half hour of slow uploading on the CANADIAN site. oh bother.
In other news, I have decided that over the next four weeks of my 'summer' aka while I am working I'm going to proceed to watch as many disney movies as I can. I am actually quite excited.
This weekend Ashley and I (mostly ashley) decided that she isn't NOT accepted to the school in
Argentina. With two weeks of camp left, and this uncertanty hanging over her head, I think I have decided that a bit of my september is going to be spent helping her get ready, because I have been able to do all I have to do with such leasure, and with my mom doing much of the work, I think I could manage to help her out, or at least help her gather the things she will need to live for 6 months in a south american country, which I realize is quite different from a european country. But I totally understand how organizing so much in so little time could be VERY overwhelming, as it was obscenely overwhelming in the last few months.
This trip is starting to become real. as I start to say goodbye. which I'm not. other people are saying goodbye to me, but I am not yet ready to say goodbye to them, if that makes any sense at all. Its just I am in no way shape or form prepaired to tell someone that I am not going to see them for 9 months, thats a long time, and its still not real to me.
On that note, I was talking to Jeremy today, and I am stoked out of my mind, cuz he plans to come and say goodbye in september. I don't know what I would do if I didn't see him before I left. I also mentioned to him that he should come a week before the fam in april and spend a week at the school he thought it was a pretty good idea. *smiles* I like the idea of that.
and did I tell you what I wanted to do over christmas? I want to go to rome. I pretty much have my heart set on it now. I don't know what the draw is, maybe its seeing the pictures I studied in history class come to life, and see where the stories took place. know where else I'd like togo? Greece. I don't know what the draw of these ancient cultures is, I have yet to figure it out, but I am facinated by them.
oh, and PS- I love coldplay. and tea. coldplay and tea are like...... peanut butter and jam.
well.. I gotta finish up this picture thing and get ready to go to church. have a fabulous week!


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