Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So today, I was out with my mom, and there it was... like BAM! the most unreal beautiful Rainbow of my LIFE! I'm not even kidding you. it was a full arch, and I dunno, all I can say is that it was perfect.
So then I went to the library, and I ask you this, what NORMAL kid firstly goes to the library on summer break? and THEN gets books such as brave new world by Aldus Huxley, Pride and Prejudice by... uh, I don't remember, and not one by TWO Shakespeare plays. yup.... I DO! haha, I dunno what it is, but this summer I'm really into the classical plays, and literature. Like, I duno if i told you, but I just finished reading the original version of the play of Peter pan, and WOW! it was so good! he is so eloquent, but some of the 'slang' terms he uses are really unusual, but fitting. I dunno. it was perfect.
so here, we have a perfect setting (rainbow) perfect reading material, and wait... whats that? the perfect music of Tom Delonge? what? yes, thats right, this week's adventure (oh so punny), delves into the musical explorations of Blink 182, Box car racer and Angels and Airwaves.

oh... and tommorow I head for Kelowna till tuesday, so don't expect to hear from me till Wednesday. have a great weekend, and stay out of trouble.


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