Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Nougat is Melting

Man o man, I just realized how long its been since I have posted... sorry about that! I've been super buisy with my new job, which has made me REALLY tired. Its really good tho. But as usual, I hated it for the first couple of days, but now its starting to get better as I get to know everyone and know what I'm doing. I do ALOT. like, I answer the phones, phone other people, file, photocopy, fax, do revenue reports, and a whole lot of other SUPER exciting stuff... and by exciting I really mean boring beyond belief.
what else can I tell you? honestly, my life is so boring. I work, come home and read, and go to bed. I'm not even kidding you. well.. last night I went for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles night with Ben and Graham. funnest EVER!
And Sunday after church me and Ashley went out for supper which was SUPER good to talk to her, cuz we only get to talk like once a week now, which is so wierd, especially when I REALLY want to talk to her and she's not there to phone. its funny how you take simple things like that for granted.
I just remembered that we are going to grandma's tommorow after work, and that I'm not even close to being packed yet, in fact, I haven't even started. Practically doomed by now, cuzI don't think I'll start for a while now. too bad. means another late night. oh well. tommrow is friday. and it will be a slow day at work because there are so many people gone.
hm... what else can I tell you about? I decided that I really like wearing skirts. I never thought I would like it, but I do. I've been wearing skirts to work all week, and I really like it. they make me feel pretty. except I dunno what I'm wearing to work tommorow.
anyways, I have nothing else to say and I'm getting distracted now!
have a super weekend!


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