Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May 9/06

ok, so here's the deal. the last two days= perfect. well... minus school, but who counts that anyways? BUT (there is ALWAYS a but) I'm kinda mad at a couple of guys. haha, yeah? kinda like usual hey?
boys are wierd, cuz I'm sitting here fuming at two of them... and then beside myself happy that Mark (who happens to be a boy) surprise showed up at my house yesterday, PLUS I get to talk to jer in like... two seconds, so yeah... boys are wierd. this is what I know.
I also know that I really need to go to bed, cuz I am exhausted... going out to play on school nights isn't so fun the next morning. oh well... not like its gonna stop me this week... MARK IS HERE! its like only half of a step below having jer here... maybe even less.
yeah.... I'm not really accomplishing much here by blogging... not that I ever do. really I was comming here to fume about a certian two boys... but instead I have found myself quite extatic about another two. its probably better that way anyways.
oh. and I just went to see she's the man. I was slightly skeptical, I have to admit, but honestly, it was perfect for what I've been wanting to watch. I dunno. I guess I'm kinda a sucker for pre-teen chick flicks. they are clean AND they are cute. you just can't loose. and yes chesse is 'my second favorite animal by-product' hah. so good. one day you can come over and we'll watch it together, ok? deal. good plan.
oh... just like spice world night. yep, to all of you out there that I have promised a spice world night too... it WILL happen, I promise, just let me get my life a bit more together first, k? but it'll happen before I leave.
anyways.... I think I'm done for now. have a good night.
sweet dreams


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