Monday, May 01, 2006

today's news

Good morning!
I am WAY tired. but whatever.. i'm over it.

I have to tell you.. I am really frustrated with school right now. honestly, more than anything I would like to quit school and just work. I love my job. I never thought I'd say that working at a food place, but honestly, everyone there is awesome, and its just good. better than school. plus I get paid to be there. School... I have like 3 projects due in the next two weeks, and I'm just not interested. quite frustrating. plus, math class has gotten SO boring. I just want to wuit that class. deffenetly frustrating. and tommorow is report cards. I am scared to find out how bad my marks are, because I KNOW that they are all bad. I'm not looking forward to the speech I'll get from those marks 'at least just make sure you graduate' yes.. of course I'll graduate.

This weekend has been a bit of a reality check for my relationship with god right now. it sucks. its hardly in existance, yet I continue to preach it up... I'm talking the talk and not walking the walk. and I have a huge problem with that. I need to get things back in gear. I need to start taking this seriously. I'm past my doubting, I just gotta get back into my routine. because that is what I've lost. I remember a time when I was honestly always talking to god. through everything... through math class, walking to school, sitting on the computer, falling asleep... everything... I was talking to God, and now... now I just don't. and I miss that a ton. I'm tired of saying to myself 'next year I will be at bible school, so I'll make up for it then' I gotta just do it now. no excuses. nothing. I gotta get back into it. I gotta start working at it. too much is suffering because I have forgotten about god.

but for now, I gotta get in a half hour of homework before I go to work. have a good day.


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