Sunday, April 23, 2006


hm. I've been doing alot of thinking lately. about alot of things. And the thing that I've been thinking about the most is Why do I believe what I believe? I mean, I guess I grew up believing all that I do, and have never known any different, and can't imagine what life would be without the lifestyle that comes with being a Christian, but why do I still believe it? why do I still sit in church every sunday, bible in hand?
I guess I've hit a really dry spot in my 'walk', and I'm questioning alot of stuff, and it seems I've heard more sermons on how its ok to question in the last few months than I have in my whole entire life.
Like, why do things happen the way they happen when they happen? somethings just happen at THE worst time, when they could have happened any number of times before, or not even happened at all, but some how God still allows them to happen at that prescise time? I guess I am just too impatient to wait and see how things work out, and want to know why RIGHT NOW.
but I believe that things happen for a reason. why? because thats what I'm told the bible says. where? I don't know. Do I take the time to figure things out? oh, nope.
Are we right to say that Christianity is right? or am I just very much in the wrong to think it inconsiderate to tell someone that they are wrong? that they are going to hell? I mean, how can you tell someone that? do you know? do you even know whats going on in their hearts? do you even know that YOU are right? how can we be so sure?
I dunno. life is too complecated for me to be 18 and know that forsure I have things 100% right. but at the same time, there is too much, tangible, spiritual things for me to not believe that I am a spiritual being and that the God that I have grown up with is wrong. I can't say that. I can't disprove what I believe. is that where faith comes in? because maybe thats all I'm lacking right now. simple faith.
I dunno. I'm confused tho.



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