Monday, April 24, 2006

I am so so tired of watching people flirt.
like seriously... do it somewhere else, get out of the hallways, and off of myspace. do it on your own time, in your own place. nobody is enjoying it as much as you are, so stop pretending that everyone is amused by you being 'cute', because its not that you're cute, its that you are amazingly annoying.
I am not a flirter, by any stretch of the imagination, and that may be to my disbenifit, but does it look like I care? nope. I sure don't. because watching other people flirt makes me SICK. hah. maybe thats why I don't, and never had a boyfriend. do I care? no.
JUST STOP FLIRTING IN PUBLIC! its like extreme PDA, sick. sick. sick. just go somewhere else. and do not, I repeat DO NOT make out in the hallways at school. I promise, nobody, NOBODY wants to see that.
I'm tired of girls stealing boys hats, and the boys reaching around them in awkward ways (perhaps touching something 'accedentaly') to get it back. I'm tired of going to talk to a friend and have them hanging all over some guy (or girl) makign whatever conversation I had in mind rediculously and unnessisarlily awkward.
if you would step outside of your own URGES and look around you for just a second, you may realize that you are making life REALLY awkward for everyone around you.

P.S.- I got a job today. its totally random, I know. but everyone out there in the internet world needs to know that I, Laurel, got my first job today at Schnitzelz, and I think I might almost not like it already. we'll see how tommorow goes tho. it could be alot better than today, cuz today I made alot of mistakes, got in trouble alot, and was really quiet and awkward, because I was not expecting to have to actually work today. tommorow can only get better. especisally if you all stop flirting. thanks.


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