Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Greatest day

Man, today was the best day EVER. Thanks to everyone who came out... which was like.... five people, but hey, it was WAY fun. Kudos to Graham who stared a good hour before everyone else becasue I was SO excited to play.
it was so good to be a kid again, to play hop scotch, jump rope, play basketball, blow bubbles and go to the play ground. today was so incredibly good. you have no idea.
Man, I am super tired tho, who knew that playing could be so tiring? like I could use a nap. or like, fall asleep while watching a movie. thats what I want to do. thats my favorite, falling asleep during a movie.
dude, today was just SO good. I don't think anyone could top it. well... maybe. but we'll keep that one a seceret for now, ok?
well... I'm done my supper now, so I suppose I should clean that up. then I'll find something to do.
have a good evening!


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