Monday, April 17, 2006

Cleaning day....

first off, let me express my deepest joy, because RIGHT NOW I am listening to the NEW underoath song.... and... its blowing my mind... all of 1 minute and 20 seconds into it. again... UO has been able to recreate themselves.
ok, so I really don't know what I'm talking about, and the song has yet to blow my mind because I cant' sing along to it because ITS IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE!! oh well... Things aren't always how you expect them to be.

The next topic of todays descussion, is cleaning day. I hate this day. more than.... meatloaf. and thats alot of hate. let me tell you. Mom gets like.. fanatical. rediculously intense, becasue if you dont' get it done... you might as well be in hell, because it gets scary here. luckily, my room is in the basement, and mom doesn't REALLY know how much I have or have not done today. but wait untill the day (aka tommorow) that I get escorted in my cleaning efforts. NO BREAKS!! I think I'm gonna run away from home tonight in order to avoid this.... predicament.

In other news, I may be getting hired part time at Schnitzelz. I have to say I had given hope when I hadn't heard from them untill today. but they seemed interested to know what kind of hours I would be able to work. this seems promising. (great... a fast food job... just what I always wanted)

The rest of the underoath music is better than I remembered it to be. perhaps this will stir up a cleaning mood for me......
I can't even try to want to clean. I would prefer to bake cookies and muffins and make bread all freeking day, getting up at like 6 in the morning to start, and not finishing untill 11 at night than clean for one hour solid. its boring beyond anything. and..... its just gonna get messy in a week anywyas. so its pointless. (hah, can't you picture my dorm room now..... haha)

Dad's lucky... he gets to mow the lawn today. ugh. I wish I could be outside. enjoying the glorious.... cloudyness. and fresh scent of newly cut DEAD grass.
ok. never mind that. I think I will stick to runing away from home for now.
gotta go pack my backpack!!! (I'll need 8 pairs of pants 14 shirts, a few bunny hugs.......... shoot. I don't think I'll have enough room.........)


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