Monday, September 19, 2005

no name

ok, so this is just my way of communicating with the world at the moment, because half of my face is frozen and numb, and I feel like its 5 times the size of the other side. You see, about a half an hour ago I got my FIRST EVER wisdom tooth pulled. as of right now, I feel just fine, but I'm kinda concerned about when the freezing comes out.... but that won't be for like another.... 1-2 hours.
What I really want to tell you is about last night. You see, last night was the Underoath concert. and while the concert was FREEKING AMAZING, and I would love to tell you about it, there was another event that I would like to tell you about. So, Me and Ashley and Ben are headed into the mosh pit, right? which is all well and fine, even tho I kinda have a paranoia since the concussion. anyways, I'm allright with this... but then I realize how tight people are, and being closterphobic, I'm kinda having a problem with things... but hey, anything for underoath. right? so we're in, and we meet up with Zach, Evan, Graham, Chris and Josh, which is good... I feel safer when I'm 'with' the christian guys... such as them. so, then Underoath comes on!!!!!!!! YAY! but then the pit starts moving. back and forth, up and down, and for me, this is like death. everything, bums, elbows, armpits, everything is nose level. not so fun. plus I'm getting hit in the stomach, everyone else's sweat is on me, and I just couldn't do it, so I told Ashley that I had to get out, and started to leave, which is kinda hard, I had to hardcore push to get out. on my way, I see Amy Wall, which was cool, so I stopped to say hi, then continued on. a few people later, I go past this guy. and he grabbed me. I've never done anything with a guy before. this was the worst thing ever. he just grabbed me, and looked at me. so I pushed him a way, and pushed on through the crowd. finally I broke into the cool air. then, I realized I was alone, in a concert. oh well... its Underoath... so I stood, and sang, eventually met up wiht Graham and Steph. then I met up with the other boys... but not ashley and Ben. (by the way, Thanks so much Zach and Graham for taking care of me last night... you will never know how much I appreciated it!). Anyways, the point of this story is..... well, there really is none.
Do you know what? I want to weep for those icons that dont' know Jesus. like Bert from The Used. he dropped the f-bomb so many times last night, (pause, I need to check my gause) (man.. I'm really bleeding pretty bad) I just wanted to cry. so many people live like that, and dont' know any better, don't know how free they really can be. It is so... I don't know. Christians too often look at people like Bert, people like Britney Spears, Emmenem, and the list goes on, and condemn them, point out everything that they do wrong, the way they dress, things they say, their lifestyle choices, but do we ever think about their lives? put ourselves in their shoes? think about what it takes to be them, what made them who they are? and how hard it would be to be different? no. we dont'. we think about how many f-bombs they drop in a concert, and judge them on that. I don't know. I think I'm going to start praying for social leaders and celebreties.
I'm excited for this week. I don't know why. but life, I'm just so ready for it to be good, I'm gonna make it good. whatever it takes. besides, the sun is shining, and I'm listening to Anberlin, what can go wrong? ....except for the freezing to leave my face.
I'm out. thanks for reading,


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