Tuesday, September 20, 2005

a new day

ook, so today is a new day right? the new day brings swollen cheeks (as in only one), headaches, missed math exams, and more school to attend. YAY! not. I woke up this morning at 7:30, well, not really tho, cuz I rolled over, turned off my alarm, and rolled back to my good check (as in on my face and not my butt) and fell askleep for another 20 minutes. Mom woke me up at 7:50, and I got up and got dressed, took drugs (no! I don't smoke pot... but I need the Iveprofin to live right now), and realized that I would die at school if I went, so I went back to bed for another 2 and a half hours, only to be awoken by my mom to go to school. BUT things were looking brihter, cuz when mom left my room, she left a booster juice, OH SUCCULENT BEAUTY.... too bad it didn't have any pommegranet in it. I came home to chicken noodle soup for lunch (my mom really DOES love me!) AND (dum dum dum) a 'surprise' in the fridge, and I opened it to find a small thinger of Raspberries! Dang, I should get ALL of my wisdom teeth pulled.
Now wait. as I sit here typing this, I realize that I am not hte only one in pain today.... amidst the hundreds and thousands of hurting people, there is one other that I would like you to remember in your prayers today---> Zach Lucky. he had surgery today, something to do with his ear... he's told me the legistics of the surgery coming on to about a million times, but I still have no idea what exactly happens, something to do with a skin graph, and putting it on his dear drum.. maybe. I don't know. but he really wasn't looking forward to it, so just pray for him today. I've been trying to think of something that I could do to cheer him up today, but I can't really think of anything, if you have any ideas, please let me know!
anyways, I need to take some drugs and go to school. Peace.

I cant believe that I signed off with peace. thats so dorky. I'm a dork. this is pathetic. I need to leave now. but still, I stay and embarass msyelf by staying and typing more and more and more and more. LEAVE NOW. ok. I'm leaving. just after I type this. bah. now you think I talk to myself. which I do. ooops, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that. ok, this is the end. right...... NOW.


At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! laurel, your a dork... in a good way.
-cptn. infectious


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