Friday, September 23, 2005

I sat there,
taking it all in,
but not really understanding.
I've never been there,
never done that.
but you have,
you all have.
I'm so sheltored,
protected as you like to say.

you tell me
I'm not a flirt.
but what you don't know
that inside, I'm begging.
You tell me I'm pretty.
Well, 'hot' is what you said.
But thats what you're supposed to say
You always say what you're supposed to.

One day, you're gonna tell me the truth.
like that one time
when we were younger
sitting on the tire swing.
You told me how you really felt.
No lies, no hiding.
Because this time,
I won't seek you.

Ok. So that just came out. Its a mixture of things that I've been thinking lately. I know I'm not a poet, but my sad attempts are what make me..... I don't know, all the more pathetic.


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Teri said...

that was a good poem.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger zachary said...

I love how you deleated that random comment that that random dude gaveyou. this is a good one. well done. And yea thanks for introducing the notebook to me, and honestly I will have to borrow it from you sometime.


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