Monday, January 16, 2006

Love- an old post

hey... so this is something that I posted quite some time ago in my last Blog.... I Thought maybe I should bring it back for another go... I hope you enjoy it......

Every morning this week I've been reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, and this is what it says 'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres'
I really think that as teens, we THINK we know what love is. We don't. I don’t. I tell people that I love them, but how do I really know? I don't think telling anyone that you love them is at all possible, it doesn't make sense. to tell someone that you are patient and kind with them, that you do not envy them, that you will not boast to them, or be proud around them. That you will not be rude to them or self seeking, that you will not be mad at them, or keep a record of their wrongs, and that when they tell you the truth, you will rejoice. That just doesn't make sense to me. I wish I could tell everyone that. I wish that that is how I am. But I can't tell anyone all of that without lying. So why do I tell people that I love them? Why do I have to? Can’t I just show them that I love them? What do those words mean anyways? Why don't I just say 'I really like you a lot, and I feel strongly about you.' sure, it sounds dumb, but that’s really what you are trying to tell them.
Instead, today's society has warped the meaning of love, removed it from its original context, taken God out of the picture, and made love into a feeling. I don't believe that a person can feel love. Love, as defined by the bible, is not what we have made it into, in no way shape or form. That makes me sad.
Take the girl I saw walking down the street tonight. I saw her stumble into her friend. Normally I would have thought nothing of this, but it was the millisecond that I saw her eyes that I saw the terror in her eyes, that made me realize that she was drunk. Could someone tell her that they loved her at that very moment? No. not honestly, you couldn't, because there is nothing lovable about an intoxicated person who has no longer become themselves. But could you SHOW this beautiful girl that you loved her? Yes, I believe so. You could push all of your prejudices behind you, become as selfless as love is, and serve her in a way that only love can. Not judging her, not placing yourself above her, but taking yourself onto her level, picking her up from where she fell, and showing her God, because God is love.
I don't know. I don't think life is supposed to be about how we feel. I think life is about what we do. The love that we do. Not the love that we feel. I don't know if this makes sense. I know that it is hypocritical. but I think that if enough people came to the realization that love is not what it has been warped into a feeling rather than the Godly act that it was first intended to be, society would conduct itself in a very different manor.
Girls wouldn't be trading sex for love. Boys wouldn’t trade love for sex. Marriage would still be sacred. Divorce wouldn’t be an option. Children would be loved, not beat. Babies would be kept, not aborted, because their conception would happen in very different circumstances.
Life would be so different if the words 'I Love you' were not declared so freely. If love was not a feeling. Because if love was not a feeling, one would never be able to say 'I love you' without sounding like a total idiot, because, as a verb, love does not fit into that sentence. It would be like saying 'I run you' that doesn't make sense. Therefore, neither does love.
Love will never make sense. God calls himself Love. God is incomprehendable. His love is so deep that to dive into it, would be like falling into a black hole, there would be no end.
Jesus had the most amazing ACT of love anyone has ever shown. Jesus was socially incriminated, physically murdered, and spiritually butchered. He put everything behind him. He pushed everything aside for me. And he died with my sins upon his shoulders. And everyone else's. How I wish, that when I tell someone that I love them, that behind the word love, I am telling them that I will commit social suicide, be murdered, and spiritually beaten to nothingness, just for that one person. I wish that when the word love is upon my lips, my heart is being squeezed of its life, that my whole being is suffering, so that one person may know that I feel strongly about them. Instead, I throw that word around, like a heart is mine to play with. I have no right, to expect those words back, expecting a selflessness that Jesus suffered, that I am striving to experience. I have no right to even try to experience that love.

may you love, and be loved,


At 11:50 AM, Blogger zachary said...

Thats honestly a very fair post. I think it is alright to tell people that you love them, only if you understand the full mean of what you are saying. Most people do not, so On that note I totally agree with what you were saying.

valid point. lets hang out sometime. want to come to the show on friday with me graham and evan?

Let me know.


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