Saturday, January 07, 2006

don't read it. its not worth your time

Well... I'm not really getting anything accomplished, but hey, I've been up for 13 hours already, and 9 of those were spent on homeowork. pretty darn good if you were to ask me. BUT THERE IS STILL MORE TO DO. and I'm drowning. I have never in my life done this much homework for so long. but I guess I kinda put it on myself. so who's to blame? me. so.... I'm done with complaining.
know what would be perfect right now? someone showing up at my door to take me out for coffe. anyone. it'd be so nice. I'm up for a warm drink of some sort... that I dont' have to make myself.
Or climing into my warm bed and falling asleep. that sounds really good too. especially since I think I'm getting a cold. perfect. yeah. I quit homework for now.
sweet dreams


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