Saturday, January 07, 2006

Just doing my homework......

Ok, so I'm playing a new game now. Its called... get your homework done, but satisfy your ADD at the same time. Lets hope it works. This is the plan.... For every paragraph in my blog, I will write a write-up in my report. THEN, I should get this thinger done.... eventually. I have 10 to do. I want to get ATLEAST 5 done tonight. Good luck. its already 20 to 11. I'm doomed. I need healthy snacks. but we have none. we have no snacks. mmmmm... maybe that will be my 3 paragraph break.... finding a snack. k, so I'm done one right now... so here goes #2.

Done. Now I'm onto Lester B. Pearson. VERY influential, if you ask me. but hey.... who am I? oh... just a nobody. so... this is nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. its kinda easy actually... when I just do it. if it wasn't for my ADD tendancies, I'd already be done, but, seeings how I can't control it..... (new topic) I really have been likeing Damien Rice lately. he's so good. (new topic) you know... its been a while since I've seen a REALLY hot guy. like, just walking down the street. like one of those ones that you can't help but stare at. haha.... I've embarassed myself more than once doing that. haha. maybe I'm embarssing myself now. so... I'm gonna go and write about LEster. what a hot name, hey?

Does TEa make you tired? I hope not cuz I'm totally making myself some. mmmmmm... I'm stoked to drink it. and the company right now is perfect! (new topic) Know what hurts the most? Knowing that to someone, you are, and have been, replacable. that you were there for the moment, and it has passed. that you were an ear, but a newer one has come along. that there is a 'what if.....' that lingers on, and a 'could have been' travels at a distance. Tonight... I have been replaced. Actually... it happened long before now, I just didn't realise it. it took me a while... it really hit me when someone said to me 'if he was going to catch on he would have by now'. yep. and he didn't catch on. and now I am the replaced. ugh. a five minute break turned into a 20 minute break. back to work.

one more to go. one more to go. I can do this. I can do this. I might cry. I'm not even half done. but this is going good. my tea was good too. except the bottom. cuz the honey was REALLY concentrated. you really don't care, do you? thought not. but hey..... I'm just channeling my add... and I think its working! YAY! aren't you excited... cuz now you'll get MORE of these kind of posts! yay!

ok... I'm done for now. I'm getting up at 9, on a saturday, to work on it more. yay!

sweet dreams, and always do it right the first time,


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