Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Whats for Supper?

Last night I found myself Hungry. Starving even. but not for food. Hungry to know about God, to learn. To know how to know how to get from where I am to where God wants me to be. I have soaked up everything that has been thrown at me in the last two weeks like a dry sponge.
Dan King was telling me about this... thing called the Dark Night of the Soul, which happens to be a poem by a man they call St. John of the Cross. actually, I have no idea what I'm talking about. All I know from what I've read online (mostly christian, but also some 'pagan' ideas on this season) is that this season is when it feels like God has forsaken you, left you alone, and it is the point of a walk where you make a deffinate desicion, to either stay in that place or move to a season of joy. The pagan idea of this season is quite similar, but they see it as a season that ends in a state of higher enlightenment.
Anyways, enough of the boring. the point is that I think that this theory is quite accurate as I can relate to it quite effectively. Except I think I'm comming out of this season, and into a new one, into a season of Joy. Which I am learning about also. honestly, I'm just soaking everything up. everything that I can read, everything I can experience.
Well, I just lost my train of thought, but need to go and do a world religions assignment, about five christian denomonations, which I don't think I'm gonna do, I think I'm going to do a report on some of the more interesting things in christianity, like what? I don't know. we'll see!
have a good night!


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