Monday, May 22, 2006

Another lame story

here's to lame stories.....

So, all I want is ice cream on a stick, right? I go into the freezer in the bassment, and I reach into the freezer, and grab my icecream, and step back, as I close the lid, and I feel this pain in my foot like never before, its not a tack, its not a nail, its more like wire shooting into my foot in about 7-9 places, so I yelp. jump back, and look at what this THING was. To my surprise, I seemed to attack a bee with my foot, and he was mad. I thew down my icecream, and grabbed the nearest thing to me... a pail of who knows what, and put it on the bee in hopes of squishing him, but I guess Ididn't, cuz he buzzed around undernath the pail. it was then that I realized that there was pain in my foot, and that perhaps I had gotten the stinger in my foot, so I hopped/limped upstairs to have my dad/ brother help examine the underneath of my foot. clearly there was no stinger, or the bee would be dead, so dad went down to kill the bee, and I got a snoopy bandaid.
And THAT is the story of how I stepped on a bee today.


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