The polka Dot Dress

Story of the day... ready? ok, GO!
I have this dress, pictured to the right. Its PERFECT. black with white polka dots, and well, the pink ribbon can be ditched. but it even has some tool underneath to give it some extra umph, and well... its just... perfect.
so, I wore it to the christmas formal, and my plan, ever since I got it was to wear it to Ashley's grad. yeah... welll.... apperently one of the Grads is actually wearing the exact dress as her Grad dress. YEAH RIGHT!!! not even! this is like my favorite dress (ok.. I only have like two dresses, but its a good dress, ok?) so now, I have 10 days to find a new dress. ugh. I was so stoked to wear the dress. oh well.. at least I get a new dress out of the ordeal. I think I could be a dress person. I'm not sure tho. anyways. I am kinda dissapointed, kinda excited, and kinda confuesd as to why she would wear this dress as her Grad dress. but whatever, thats her perogative.
And that is todays story.
Sweet dreams and goodnight,
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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