Wednesday, January 04, 2006

my so called life

Life. Friends. Parting Ways.
What is it about my life, my friends, that makes my life a little bit more complecated every day? I had these two FABULOUS friends, and I got so caught up in my life, I forgot about theirs for a while, and now we don't talk. And there is this other friend of mine, and once I got over the fact that we were never gonna date, well... we stopped hanging out. And my outdoor school friends... it'd be nice if they called me once in a while, or acted like they cared. But what about all of the functioning ones? what about those friends that in a few months I'm gonna leave, so go and start my life? making new friends is not that easy, especially when you are stepping into someone else's arena. here... I have my own ring in the circus... but outside of this fishbowl.... I"m like a fish out of water. After I graduate everything changes. and that scares the crap out of me. in 16 days I become a legal adult. that scares me crapless.
I dont' know.... life is getting complecated. I'm tired of not talking to the people that mean alot to me. And then there is the boy factor. and... the list goes on and on.

I don't ever wanna grow up


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