Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Eye Spy

So...... Erinn and I are sitting in the library during life trans and WE ARE BORED!!! sooooooo... this is the game we are going to play.......

Lets play Eye spy!! I'll describe what we see... you guess what it is! that sounds like fun... the first person to guess right wins....... a CYBER HUG! hahaha!

I spy with my little cyber eye something that is.....

This object is in a glass box and is desplayed on a manican- of the male variety. there is a poppy adorining the breast and it is ajoined by multiple medals. The stomach is decorated with four gold cirlce figures as are the wrists. WHAT IS IT?!?!

on your marks... get set.... GO!

and they're off..... and the first person to guess is........



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