Saturday, November 05, 2005

Update on the weekend

So, Its 9:35 am, and Ashley is still sleeping, and I wish I was. I am SO tired! we went to bed at 1:00 last night... we didn't get home till 12:30. And, we have to be back at CNH place.... anytime now... we HAVE to be there by noon tho. After that....? Ashely and I are there till midnight again. and tommorow we have to be there from 8:00 am till takedown. I AM DEAD ALREADY!!! awe. and now I have the hiccups. I had a nosebleed last night, and I had to wait untill someone could cover the booth for me before I could do anythign about it...s o I just sniffed it back. it was sick. yeah, and it was during KJ-52. so dissapointing. he didn't even do the song 'my name is KJ aka kj-52.........'. I was thouroughly dissapointed. oh well. so... pretty much I have to go and wake up ashley, eat breakfast, get dressed, and figure out what we're doing for food today. and get some coffee. that could be good. CONSIDERING IT SNOWED!! what is this? snow? AHHHH! why? the roads are like death.... at least with ashley driving! haha.. just kidding! but htey arent' the nicest.
ok, its time to go.


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