Saturday, October 29, 2005

An Angry Post

Sometimes I just get frustrated. About alot of stuff. Today I'm just frustrated with one of my friends. Its... I dunno. All of our convorstations on the phone have been like, 10 minutes max- we used to talk for hours on end, EVERY night. now its just whenever I phone her. Oh, and by the way, she is going to come to church tommorow, just to see me. Well thanks dear, but I don't want to be the reason you come to church for the first time in the last month. I know you have alot of homework, and have to work, and do stuff for your missions trip.... but can I fit in there somewhere?
School is like death. I am so tired of doing homework. I'm so tired of the teachers not really caring. I tired of the fake, rude, selfish people at school. the ones that spend 2 hours geting ready in the morning. the ones that laugh REALLY loud during class, while the teacher is talking. oh and those grade 9's that stand in the MIDDLE of the hallway? they should DIE. ok, so thats a bit harsh, but when will they learn? hallways are for walking, not socializing. not blockading... people have to get around SOMEHOW, and thats what hallways were created for, the commons are for everything ellse... FREEKING STAND THERE!!! But worse than that.... is Paige Drever. She is SO fake, so ANNYOYING, so RUDE, so... UGH, AND she stands in the middle of the hallway to talk to her friends. she is like Regina off of mean girls. kinda. times infinity. in REAL LIFE. One day, I'm gonna tell her to SHUT THE FREEK UP, and stop being such a B****! yep. thats my goal for this year. and I'm not even joking. I just hope that it doesn't happen in the middle of class... but it could happen anytime this week, becasue our Dear Friend (the D.F. for short) is way past getting on my nerves, and If I've ever hated anyone, its her.
What else can I vent about? Shall I tell you about boys? how about no. Anyone that this involves acutally reads this. Besides, I do NOT want to date. at least, thats what I think. I'm still waiting for Peter Pan.
Oh. I know. YOUTH SUCKS BUTT. the program is BORING AS HECK, and my 'assigned youth leader' only talks to me out of obligation, and I would NEVER tell her anything really personal. I Don't get fed at youth... I 'learn' things that I've been taught a bajillion times before. I know, I know.... you can always take something out of a lession... but redundance is so boring, and..... redundant. ugh.
ok. I'm done venting now. well.. not really. but hey... theres not much more to tell you. well, if I could scream on a computer... I would, but it would just look dumb. ie:


P.S.- I missed the thing in Dalmany with the boys from no innocent blood. and as much as I'll deny it, I'm really dissapointed that I ended up watching stupid eleven-teen year old movies instead of hanging out with friends. I mean, who wouldn't?


At 5:53 PM, Blogger LaDitsterNo1 said...

Laurel, we need to go out for coffee next time I'm in town.


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