Sunday, November 06, 2005

Good morning Sunshine!

I have half an hour before I have to go and be at CNH place. My throat is the embodyment of Death, and my heart is pounding in my head, and my chest is full [of crud]. But, I'm so excited to go back!
This weekend has been AMAZING so far... I've met this super cool security Guard, her name is Sarah Jane, and she makes me laugh every time she cheks my pass! she's just super sweet, and alot of fun!! I lead a girl to christ yesterday, in the tent, she had some questions, and God provided me with some answers. He was in totall control of the situation, which was perfect, because in my mind I was screaming for help. it was hte scariest, most unbelievable thing I have EVER done. I visited with Nikki last night, which was super good.... to see her and everything. I also saw kendra, which.... I dunno, was a little sketchy.... I mean, she hugged me like 5 times.. and I hardly know her. whatever. Plus it was WAY awkward. And I saw Cole, which was cool, considering I'm banned from talking to him or about him.
um... Ashley's coming up for breakfast, so I should go, and eat, and get ready to go.
hm. one thought before I go tho. Life is so much more than seeing people, haing awkward convorsations. Meeting people, and liking Them. I don't know what this thing we Call life is all about. and I dont' knnow what I'm going to be doing with mine. but I know I want to make a difference. I want to get to know people. see past their masks. I want to talk to people without my mask. Its that freedom that we christians say we have, but forget to put on in the morning. Its like... how many of us ACTUALLY put on the armor of God everydya? and ASK for the fruits? and USE our gifts? I want to use EVERYTHING That God has given me to use. its like.. the fountain is RIGHT there, and you are thirsty, but you go looking for water. I don't know.
These are the ramblings of me at 8:30 in the morning... working on a running total of 16 hours of sleep all weekend.
Have a good day everyone. May God bless you throughout the day. And may you see, and use his wonders.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger zachary said...

hey. I just wanted to let you know that you can talk about cole. lol I got over that a long time ago. Sure I am not really friends with him but I sure dont hate him. so yea just to say.


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