Thursday, November 24, 2005

SEX (dum dum dum)

We're talking about sex right now in Life Trans- Did you know that The Majority of Girls have a sexual experience by the time they are 15? isn't that unreal? I'm sitting here, two months short of 18, without ever even holding a guy's hand.... the most I've ever done with a guy is sit beside them. maybe hug them. No jokes. I honestly must be the only person in my entire school that has done NOTHING with a person of the opposite sex. Except for Justin... but he's gay, so that's a different story. I don't know how I feel about this... considering we're talking about sex in school, and I have to do an 'action plan' on my 'sexual health' rediculous is that, me, the only one in the class to have never done anything, being the ONLY one to do a sexual heath action plan.... kinda ironic isn't it?
at the same time... what I do I have to complain about, its not like I've ever really told a guy that I like him and am interested in something more than friends... because I honestly don't think Im ready for something. I dunno. Its a funny thing... relationships wiht the opposite sex.
Well, I really should be off... its time for life trans... and I haven't done a thing with my spare today... again, even tho I vowed today would be the first of many. YEAH RIGHT.

I keep watch at my window... hoping you'll come soon


At 9:20 AM, Blogger steph said...

i know EXACTLY how you feel lol . that 15 year old thing is crazy though.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

the whole thing seems much more alluring than it really is. i'm pretty sure i was in your same situation but a little bit earlier on i was really feeling left out so let someone take advantage of me without saying no. it seems that once you have gone past that point even that one time, situations get handed to you on a silver platter leaving you more scarred after each occurance. keep your purity, i know it seems like the only reason you are pure is coz nobody wants to get physical with you, but it's not true. you are beautiful. what you have is a gift. getting physical before marriage, however so last decade that sounds, honestly actually takes pieces out of you that i know i for one am still trying to get back.


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