Tuesday, November 22, 2005

"Hey Laurel, Whats up?"

You say. "oh not much" is my reply. Fallout boy is attempting to be a screamo band playing in my ears, I think someone is Mad at me, and My one friend is in a serious Crisis.
Like, not even close to joking. hm? specifics, you ask? well... as a result of a couple of major things, his marks have dropped alot, he got a speading ticket, and I haven't seen him at church in a couple of weeks. which is huge. So... what do I do? I have started Operation Wild Goose. Whats the Plan Stan? haha, if only I knew. But those of you who may know what or who I am talking about... PLEASE I need your help.... HE needs your help, we need to do something! if only to let him know that we're here for him at this time.... that this situation sucks butt, and we're here for him no matter what! thats what friedns and youth groups are for..... to stand by your friends, and support them. WE NEED TO SUPPORT HIM. PLEASE help me help him. I'm not sure what to do, I'm not even close to having an Idea. If I was a boy, I would have a sleep over with him. Maybe we should go for coffee with him. Movie night? all I'm doing is comming up with worse and worse Ideas. HELP!!I need someone else on board with me!
On another note...... My mom is on the phone and I totally want to be on the phone. but she's gonna talk for the next 3 hours... which makes me DOOOOOOMED (dum dum dum). I'm in a rather random mood tonight. I watched a totall of 3 family channel shows... wich are all quite amusing. aand this awkward headache JUST set in. wow. does it ever hurt. I think I have to go on a TV/Comuter fast... I spend WAY too much time on both. I pretty much do nothing else. how bad is htat? AND I owe amanda $5... which I dont' have. CRAP. that sucks.
da da da da da.... I am bored. I took some pictures today. Finished my roll. now I have 2 to get developed.... which will determine if I'm actually good a photography. I hope they turn out alright... cuz then the cameera is actually mine. sweet deal hey? I'm stoked. hey... I should go and make my christmas list.. mom's been harpin gme all day.
PLEASE... if you have any ideas... LET ME KNOW.

Operation Wild Goose is in effect


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