Saturday, October 15, 2005

This Thimbal is for you, and only you.

I figured things out.
I don't ever want to grow up. I want a flying boy to come knocking at my window and take me away to never-neverLand. I want him to give me thimbals, and dance with me with shimmering faries flying around. I want him to save me from the piarates, and make a house around me, because I might die if he moves me. I want him to hold hands with me as he teaches me to fly. I want his Kiss to save my life, and my thimbal to save his.

If I jump the plank, will you catch me?
If I run away from home, will you show me the way?
If I am a piarate, will you be dissapointed?
If I decide to grow up, will you change my mind?
Because, I want you to.

Yeah. I just don't want to grow up. I want to be a kid and have fun. I want to be Peter's Wendy.

My window is always open.


At 4:04 PM, Blogger steph said...

i loved this post laurel
what you want is what every girl wants
did you write that yourself? very good

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! laurel, your an amazing writer:)honest! this is sucha sweet blog. luv it.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Teri said...

I know how you feel, i think. I'm going through a stage where i just don't want to grow up, i dont want the responsibility that comes with growing up. I like the way you write, though.


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